Environmentalist Wanna Be
BG Green Partnership for a Sustainable Community is a diverse network of citizens who seek to build a sustainable community in Bowling Green, Kentucky and the region. We have four goals: environmental stewardship, economic prosperity, social equity, citizen empowerment. We support these goals through community education, outreach, and action.
With water restrictions now in place here in BG, I’m sure many are like me, and don’t want to see all our hard work in our yards and gardens go down the tubes simply due to lack of water. Here’s some easy ways to conserve and recycle water so we can keep our plants and veggies happy and healthy!
So, I’m a city girl through and through. When I haven’t lived in the midst of the hustle and bustle of some busy urban heat island, I have been a resident of the ever-popular suburban scene. There’s not much about the country that has ever appealed to me as a matter of fact. I am rather fond of pizza delivery, wireless Internet, and my three minute commute to work. In the last couple of years I have even taken my role as an environmentally conscious liberal seriously enough to ride my $400 Trek bicycle to the store (Nalgene bottle strapped to the frame, of course) to my buy my organic groceries imported from the four corners of the world. I bought my organic papayas in January, my organic broccoli in February, my organic spaghetti squash in March, my organic imported rice anytime I want it, and my Belgian beer at my favorite restaurant on Fridays. Oh, and did I mention that a practice yoga at least twice a week? Sound familiar?